Things to know
Our Rules & Regulations will be issued to all students of LMTA School. All students must agree to and adhere to our Rules & Regulations.
The school has a strict class wear and outerwear uniform. The class wear is variable depending on the discipline. A full breakdown of uniform for both male and female students will be provided and we expect all new entrants to have full uniform one month after joining the school. Uniform can be purchased direct for International Dance Supplies (IDS). Full information will be provided upon joining the school.
We will hold Open Days, where our students will present work they have focused on in training during that year. Awards and prize giving will be held at our Open Evenings. Students will also be presented with examination certificates and medals they have earned throughout the year. Our students will have a variety of performance opportunities as the founder believes this is a important part of training. The school will also hold its own show, however, as the founder believes in focusing on technique it is the intention of the school that this will be a bi-annual event.